The Johnson Smith Company Coupon Codes/Promo Codes, Holiday Discount Code Deals

Last updated on September 22, 2014


The Johnson Smith Company

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The Bradenton-based Johnson Smith Company was established by the namesake founder in 1914 in the Unites States. The founder started business in 1905 by selling novelties and practical jokes in Australia at the time when World War II and depression was going on and people were struggling to live. It is not easy to run business at the time either. The Johnson Smith Company had been moved to several places in the U.S.A. and finally rooted in Bradenton to get his jokes sold in huge sales volume. To offer people sweet escape and relief from the devastated world, The Johnson Smith Company extended catalog with The Lighter Side, Full of Life, Clever Gear, Things You Never Knew Existed and more. The Johnson Smith Company is at (941) 747-5566, fax at (941) 746-7962 and email at

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