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Tips Help Men Make Their Clothing Last Forever, How Best to Do

There is no doubt that men are becoming more stylish thanks to social media and an updated shopping experience. Guys who have spent increasingly more time and money in their wardrobes had better take care of their clothing so that it lasts for more than just a season. Surely, if you ever didn’t do some measures, the timeless is not possible, but with these tips – wardrobe hacks, your close will last longer, look better, and maybe even last a lifetime.

Hang your suits

Hang your suits and dress shirts on cedar wood hangers. The cedar acts as a repellent for moths and absorbs moisture. And unlike wire hangers, these thicker hangers will not damage or stretch out clothing.

Rotate your clothing

Rotate your clothing. Store shirts, pants, and suits that you won’t need until next season to make room for other clothes and avoid an over-stuffed closet. And remember to remove plastic bags from dry-cleaned items immediately. If left on too long, the bags can cause clothing to yellow or to become mildewed.

Suit brush

Speaking of suits, use a suit brush to clean your suit jackets and pants after each wear to get rid of dirt and food.

Fold your sweaters

Fold your sweaters instead of hanging them. Even lightweight sweaters stretch out if they’re on a hanger for too long. Keep your clothing smelling fresh by placing a sachet of dried herbs (lavender, cedar shavings, spearmint, rosemary, and cinnamon are good options) in the pockets when they’re hanging in the closet.

Keep your jeans from fading

Keep your jeans from fading by washing them inside out in cold water, and then letting them air-dry.

Tie rack

Install a tie rack in your closet, and unknot ties before hanging them to avoid creating creases in the fabric.






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